Evening Prayer

One or more of these sentences of Scripture may be read.

Then shall be recited the Penitential Rite.

Then shall be recited the Phos hilaron.

Then shall be read Pslams 24 and 96, aaying after each Psalm,
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,* and to the Holy Ghost:
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,* world without end. Amen.

Then shall be read from the Old Testament

Then may be said the Magnificat.

Then shall be read from the New Testament

Then may be said the Nunc dimittis.

Then shall be recited the Apostles' Creed.

Then shall be recited the office prayers.

Then shall be read the
Collect for Ascension Day,
Collect for the Presence of Christ, and
Prayer for Mission.

Then may be said the General Thanksgiving and Prayer of St. Chrysostom.

Then may be said
Let us bless the Lord
Thanks be to God.

The office may conclude with one or more of these sentences of Scripture.